Topic: Hypoxic Blackwater

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Monitoring of refuges made by environmental water

February 7, 2023 - ,
Following widespread flooding, hypoxic blackwater conditions have developed throughout the Murray River system resulting in fish kills in some areas.
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Monitoring of refuge patches created in the Edward/Kolety River by environmental water

February 2, 2023 - ,
Following widespread flooding in spring and summer 2022/2023, Hypoxic blackwater conditions have developed throughout the Murray River system resulting in fish kills in some areas.
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Issue 14 – December 2022

December 8, 2022 - ,
In this issue: Unregulated flows continue in the mid-Murray River, Environmental water delivered to rivers via irrigation escapes provide fish refuge from hypoxic blackwater water & Report on Werai Forest published


Koondrook-Perricoota Floodplain Carbon Sources

November 12, 2021 - ,
Funded by The Living Murray (TLM) program, Forestry Corporation of NSW are seeking to inform water management at Koondrook-Perricoota (KP) Forest in southern NSW by reporting on floodplain carbon sources and hypoxic blackwater risk.


Hypoxic conditions interrupt flow-response movements of three lowland river fish species

Thiem et al
April 8, 2020 - ,
Understanding movement responses to abiotic stimuli such as river flows is crucial to inform effective management, especially considering that river regulation is contributing to global population declines.
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Adaptive management of environmental flows

Watts et al
Using irrigation infrastructure to deliver environmental benefits during a large hypoxic blackwater event in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
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Hypoxic blackwater event in the southern Murray-Darling Basin

December 20, 2016 - ,
Over the past few months there has been widespread flooding in the southern-Murray-Darling Basin associated with record-breaking rainfall in parts of the catchment.


Research to mitigate blackwater impact

November 1, 2016 - ,
CSU research is informing strategies to reduce native fish deaths following recent flooding in southern NSW.
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The Mid-Murray region contains diverse and rich natural environments. Its waterways provide water for domestic use, and support diverse agriculture, tourism and recreational activities and, Aboriginal cultural values and practices.

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Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the First Nations communities of the Mid-Murray and pay respect to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge First Nations people as the Traditional Custodians of the land, water and sky country. We recognise the intrinsic connection of First Nations people to Country, and we value their enduring cultural, social, environmental, spiritual, and economic connection to the rivers, wetlands, and floodplains of the Murray-Darling Basin.

© 2023 Charles Sturt University & Mid Murray Flows
